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Which Witch?

by | Saturday, September 4, 2021 | 0 comment(s)

By Beth AllenAutumn is almost here and so begins a magical time of changing colors and ritual.If tarot is part of your celebration and practice, you may be looking for that perfect witch deck to use, especially for Mabon and Samhain.But which witch deck?Two tried-and-true decks to consider are the Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan, illustrated by Mark Evans, and the Green Witch tarot by Ann Moura, art by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. They are both beautiful decks but very different, so let’s compare!If...

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Real Moldavite Versus Fake Moldavite: How to tell the difference.

by | Saturday, April 10, 2021 | 0 comment(s)

We have several people coming in everyday asking if we have Moldavite. It has exploded in popularity due to a TikTok video. We have been selling Moldavite for over 20 years and it has gotten very rare due to the high demand and scarcity of availability. Some people are looking on Etsy or Ebay to find pieces and most of them are fake so I wanted to help you identify what to look for. First of all, it should be expensive. Very expensive. If it is a $30 pendant on Etsy, you can be pretty assured...

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Journey of the Sacred Bee Review by Beth Allen

by | Monday, March 15, 2021 | 0 comment(s)

Everyone has a type: a type of house you like; a type of food you don’t like; a type of clothing and music you like; and of course, a type of tarot deck you like, or don’t like, to read with. Before, I was not a type who used collage decks much. Before, I was not a type who liked key words on her cards. But the operative word here is “before,” and typecasting got a reality check when Journey of the Sacred Bee came into my life. This deck is amazing, the art is amazing, and it’s an amazing...

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Spring Cleansing for the Soul By Beth Allen

by | Sunday, March 7, 2021 | 0 comment(s)

Ostara and the first day of Spring are just around the bend and that signals that it’s time for spring cleaning. No, not the boring one, it’s time to go through your tarot decks and switch things up. Even if you only have two decks – switch them in honor of the arrival of a new season. Decks can be viewed as seasonal for a variety of reasons: the art depicted on the cards; predominant colors used in the deck remind you of a specific season or seasons; or maybe just the overall vibe you get from...

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