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Healing Properties of Bloodstone

by | Thursday, February 11, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Bloodstone is one of the best healing stones I know of. You just hold one in your hand and you know it is already working on your strengthening you. It is like spinach in a stone! It has been said that it purifies the blood, increases energy and helps autoimmune systems. It may help with diabetes.In addition to its healing energy, it is also great for money and luck. I would carry one on my pocket while playing bingo or going to the casino. Can't hurt can it?I think bloodstone is a really...

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February Power Days

by | Saturday, January 30, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Tuesday, Feb, 2nd, ImbolcWednesday, Feb. 3rd, Work in the Astral, honor ancestors, decisions, burn brown candles, petrified woodMonday, Feb. 8th, New Moon, feminine. maternal, domestic issues, burn pink candles, moonstoneTuesday, Feb. 9th, Job hunting, green candles, pyriteSunday, Feb. 14th, Valentine's Day, New Business, Investments, Plan a Garden, gold candles, malachiteMonday, Feb. 15th, President's Day, Travel, Intuition, white candles, clear quartzTuesday, Feb. 16th, Education, yellow...

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Healing Properties of Angelite

by | Saturday, October 3, 2015 | 0 comment(s)

Angelite can be used to enhance one's connections to the higher domains, to one's spirit guides, teachers and guardian angels. It is said to be excellent for balancing the physical & etherical energies, for telepathy and astral travel, for creating a psychic shield of protection & for promoting peace. It is an inner key to the realms of Light.

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