We have readers here most every day, so if you do not see someone listed, just call us at the store at
402-393-1121 and we can provide the latest information

1st Sunday (noon—6pm)...........Mary D. ($25) Angel Reading
2nd Monday (noon—7pm).........Kim ($25) Rock Tarot Reading
7th Saturday (noon—6pm)........Valerie ($25) Psychic Medium
9th Monday (3—7pm)................Theresa ($25) Psychic Medium
13th Friday (3—7pm).................Tasha ($25) Intuitive Oracle
14th Saturday (noon—6pm)…....DreAnna ($25) Tarot Reading
16th Monday (noon—7pm).......Wayne ($25) Rune Reading
17th Tuesday (3—7pm).............Daitina ($25) Tarot Reading
18th Wed. (noon—7pm)...........Papa Newt ($25) Tarot Reading
19th Thursday (3—7pm)...........Kevin ($25) Psychic Medium

7th Saturday (noon—6pm).......Reiki and Emotion Code Healing with Callie ($25)
7th Saturday (6pm—7:30pm)....Awakening Higher Consciousness Guided Meditation,Mantras and Devotional Music Satsang with Monk Brian ($30)
11th Wednesday (3—7pm)…….Reiki Healing with Saundra S. ($25)
11th Wed. (7—9pm)..……………..Beginning the Path of Magic Class with Papa Newt ($25)
21st Saturday (2—4pm).......……Mabon Celebration (Family Friendly & FREE)
21st Saturday (noon start)……...Book Signing, Practical Witches Almanac 2025,with Friday Gladheart (FREE)
22nd Sunday (6—7pm).......…....Crown Chakra Class with Kim ($25)
27th Friday (7—9pm)..….Intro to Reading Bones Class with Papa Newt ($25)
28th Saturday (noon—6pm)......Energy Healing with Joy ($25)